Thursday, May 3, 2007


All women are different.

Some are nice, warm, loving, caring, affectionate; some are cold, cruel, evil, nasty bitches.

Some need a man 24/7 to define them, they go nuts unless they have a boyfriend or husband; some are independent and only hook up when they really like the guy, and can get along on their own.

Some are greedy, insatiable for money; some don’t really care about money or material goods.  All women love to shop, to various degrees.

Some are smart, some are stupid stupid stupid!  Watch out – some of the “dumb” ones are sandbagging!  And occasionally you find “smart” ones who aren’t as smart as they think they are.

Some are exciting, some are dull.

Some women are flirtacious and make every guy think she’s interested in him (these women are popular, I wonder why!); some are cold and contemptuous even with men they do like; but most tend to be warm with men they like, cold with men they don’t like, and polite with the rest.

Some are pretty, some are stunning, some are average, and some are...well, less so.

Some are loyal and faithful, some are cheating.

Some are short, some are medium, some are tall.

Some love sex and have voracious appetites; some don’t care for it; and some simply enjoy it but don’t seem to care much about it.

Some believe that size matters, others believe it doesn’t if the guy doesn’t know how to use it.

Some are white, some are black, some are Asian, some are Latina/Portuguesa/Brasileira – and of course, some are mixture of these.

Some are skinny, some are BIG, some are voluptuous – though women can and do gain and lose weight.

Some women can debate politics, some women can’t be bothered to think of such things (“fiddle dee dee”).

Some are sharp, some are normal, and some are downright crazy.

Some go crazy a certain time of the month, others seem to be stable all month long.

Some like older men, some like men their own age, some like younger men.  Some even like other women, though I believe bisexuality, like lesbianism, is a small minority and not as prevalent as some guys seem to want to believe.

Some women will sleep with any man who pays their rent; some have morals and standards and cannot be bought at any price (yes, those women DO exist – though the first group would prefer to believe otherwise...)

Some are wise, though not perfect; others are fools, doomed to make the same mistakes over and over, never learning or changing.

Some women have a refreshingly accurate impression of their own self-worth; others suffer from excessively low self-esteem; and yet others seem to think of themselves as goddesses, worthy of everything and entitled to settle for nothing less.

Some are honest (relatively so!), while others will lie about anything to anyone at any time.
Some women make great mothers; others are selfish and should be sterilized against their wills (“You! Out of the gene pool!”) because even these women seem to want children.
Some know how to wear makeup, wear clothes, or fix their hair; others seem to slap on makeup with a paintbrush (usually the less attractive ones who believe makeup will make an ugly girl pretty – no, it just makes an ugly girl into an ugly girl with too much makeup); and others don’t wear makeup at all, either beause they are stunning or because they can’t be bothered.

Some women smoke, some toke, and some don’t smoke anything at all.  Same thing with booze.

Some women exercise, some exercise until they get married (!), and some don’t exercise at all.

Some women work and expect to support themselves and pay their fair share of the household; some do the bare minimum – especially if they’re between rich boyfriends/husbands – but eventually expect some guy to support them so they can sit on their ass or shop all day, or fool around while he’s at work trying to satisfy her insatiable desire for wealth for its own sake (t-shirts: “you better make more than I can spend” and “size doesn’t matter as long as you buy me stuff”).

Some have beautiful voices, some have average voices, some sound like Darth Vader (heavy smokers).

Some women read books (those things with words and no pictures or ads), others just read fashion magazines, recipes, or Cosmo.

 The list goes on.  Every woman is different and special, in her own way.

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