Saturday, May 24, 2008

Judas Priest - Dreamer Deceiver

Old Grey Whistle Test 1975


  1. Holy crap!!

    By the way, is that dude's comment at the end for real?

  2. Yes. I saw the documentary about them. They fixated on this song and "Beyond the Realms of Death". They were Beavis & Butt-head types from extremely disfunctional families. They had really fucked up lives (dead end, meaningless, etc.) and decided to shoot themselves with a shotgun. The first kid succeeded, the second only succeeded at blowing off half his face but somehow survived. He ended up in an insane asylum and died of a drug overdose (possibly suicide). I was watching this and thinking, "this [Dreamer Deceiver] is my favorite song, and it never evoked any suicidal impulses in me. Where did they get that from the song??"

  3. It always cracks me up when I see Priest in their pre-leather days. Hard to imagine Halford ever had hair or that they dressed in regular clothes. Man, this goes way, way back. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kerrang posted a pic of this era, and captioned it "Judas Priest, 2000 BC"!
