Friday, June 13, 2008

We Must Obey

A few weeks ago I was entering the parking garage in my apartment building, and to my immense disgust and frustration, the woman in front of me was going at a glacially slow pace, I mean REALLY slow.  It reached the point that I actually honked my horn at her, and her response was to point angrily at the speed limit sign in the garage, which reads “5 MPH”.  Talk about clueless.

First off, 5 miles per hour is how fast an automatic transmission-equipped car goes if you take your foot off the brake and the gas pedal.  It’s that slow creep which is appropriate for bumper-to-bumper traffic.  For a parking garage?  Come on.  I can see not shooting through the garage like a rocket, as people come and go, both pedestrians and other cars, so something like 15-25 mph is a sensible limit.  But 5 mph is idiotic.
What is with people who insist on obeying laws, no matter how idiotic?  What possesses them to turn off what little brains they have and militantly refuse to exercise independent judgment?

I’ve heard a prosecutor argue, when faced with the issue of obeying what are clearly inane, archaic, or obsolete laws, that giving ordinary citizens the prerogative to choose which laws to obey, and which to flaunt, would result in chaos and mayhem.  Nice try, but no cigar.  The speed limit is already an example of a law 85% of the population consistently ignores.  The police have a policy of not pulling anyone over for less than 15 mph over the limit, when theoretically they’re within their rights to pull over anyone exceeding the speed limit; so even cops realize the speed limit is arbitrarily low.  Yet somehow, the scofflaw speeders have not decided that, “hey, I’m violating the speed limit, why not rob, steal, cheat, rape, or murder??”  Failure to enforce zero tolerance for speeding has not resulted in a lawless society.  What these prosecutors fail to do is to give credit to ordinary citizens to distinguish bullshit laws (speed limits) from sensible laws (murder) – which we find, in fact, is a distinction which ordinary citizens are competent of making.  To be fair, I do recall that the Arlington County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office expressly declared that they would not be actively enforcing Virginia’s archaic fornication law (making consensual sex between unmarried people illegal) until recently when it was finally (!) repealed.  Maybe there are some sensible prosecutors after all, since we already have sensible non-murdering speeders, myself included.

We usually associate such mindless obedience to authority with Germans.  Yet (as I noted much earlier) even SS personnel refused to obey commands.  Himmler himself issued a ruling that no one would be forced to participate in “eliminations” of the Jewish population.  So even the Germans, even in the SS, could think independently and refuse to participate in these atrocities. To be sure, conscientious SS officers and men were an unfortunately rare minority, otherwise the Holocaust would not have occurred.  I simply bring it up as an extreme example.
The Milgram Experiment was a famous demonstration of this, disturbingly closer to home.  In 1961 Stanley Milgram conducted experiments with US college students, the results of which were published in his 1974 book Obedience to Authority.  He set up college students to test other college students, the latter to answer various questions, receiving a shock for a wrong answer, the strength thereof increased with every wrong answer.  After a few such wrong answers, the subject began making painful noises, then ominously ceased responding.  The true subjects (those administering the test) were told to continue the tests even after the responder began showing signs of extreme pain.  Results?  65% of the subjects obeyed orders to the full strength of shocks.  Although many subjects had misgivings, ultimately they obeyed orders.  Even after the Holocaust, even in the US, so-called normal people could be counted upon to obey orders even when it involved injuring or even killing innocent people.

Some people seem to take solace in security, in a lack of choice, in being told what to do by others, in being relieved of the responsibility of thinking independently, of exercising their own judgment.  To me, the sole legitimate role for such people in a civilized, democratic society is the military, and even then, solely in enlisted ranks.  They have turned off their brains, refuse to think, and turned themselves, voluntarily, by default, into nothing better than robots or animals.  Let them put on a uniform, carry a weapon, and mindlessly obey orders, and let the independent thinkers in the military come home.  Enough. 


  1. Let me ask you this.... would you be arguing the opposite if a car doing 25 in a parking garage hit you.. I get pissed when idiots go that fast.. sorry but that is how someone can hit a kid. they can pull away from a parent and move so fast.. end of speech.. though 5 mph is really slow I'll give you that

  2. ... Maybe she was going so slow cause she was looking for someone.... or... reading your license plate....

  3. I think there should be Universal Moral Laws .. the basics... No Murdering.. .. No Rape...No Stealing... you know...Be Nice in General ...With Jail time no exceptions. Safety and Social Conscience laws.. seatbelts.. speeding...tresspassing... no whining... etc. This with fines... and Common Sense Guidelines.. Bike helmets are a good idea... pick up you're dogs poop... take turns... fair...With Stupid Labels for guideline breakers... oh.. and Free Ice Cream on Mondays....

    ... damnit... I should run for Prime Minister... of the WORLD!

  4. ... World EMPRESS Turtle... has a nice ring to it don' t it?

  5. I like the free ice cream.. waits in line for it

  6. I said 15-25 mph was reasonable, but 5 mph was idiotic. FYI, the lowest speed on the speedometer is not ZERO but 5 mph, so the sign is saying "go as slow as the car can possibly go, short of being completely stopped."

    Free ice cream is nice - but who's paying for it?

  7. >>giving ordinary citizens the prerogative to choose which laws to obey, and which to flaunt, would result in chaos and mayhem.

    You are so right about that stupid notion. I remember my father saying that we could all get the speed limits raised pretty quickly if we ALL obeyed them because traffic would get so ridiculously backed up that many areas couldn't function.

  8. Oh, and by the way, the various levels of government tend to ignore any laws or regulations that suit them, even when they shouldn't! Especially zoning or environmental laws.

  9. The odometer dial in my car begins at 20 km/h. There's not even a hint of a zero. *Note to self: Unable to drive in the States, well, in Virginian underground parking lots anyway...*

  10. I think that sign needs a zero added after the five. What the hell! Add TWO zeros!
