Friday, July 18, 2008

Tool - Jambi (Live)

TOOL, 8/6/06 at Selland Arena, Fresno, CA. We've seen Tool's abstract, CGI videos: here is Tool live in concert. The band disappears amidst the darkness, light, and sheer power of its music, creating something infinitely greater than itself. The light shows on screens behind them take center stage, reducing the band to invisible wizards conjuring the massive musical magic (always avoid alliteration). Whew - whatever, just enjoy it.


  1. I love Tool. I think they're one of the greatest bands around today. To me, they are like the Pink Floyd of hard rock/metal in today's generation.

    Just as an aside: Be careful posting music videos here on Multiply. A few months back, I had to contact Customer Service to fix something on my site (not related to videos) and while they were checking that out, they decided to look through the rest of my site to see what I had on it (I could tell by my viewing history). Anyway, they noticed all the music videos I had and promptly told me to remove them or I risked having my account deleted. I ended up having to get rid of all of them. That sucked. Now, I don't upload them at all, or only if I feel like risking it, or I post them within a blog entry. So, just be careful and be aware that they do keep an eye on those things.

    Take care,

  2. This footage is freaking fascinating. Tool totally rocks. (That’s my lame attempt at alliteration.) I can only imagine what the live show must have been like. Thanks for recommending the album, it’s great stuff :-)

  3. I just had to drop by and watch it again... :-)
