Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa Claus: Origins

Hollywood, consistently bereft of original ideas, loves prequels and “origins” stories.  In the holiday spirit I’m offering my own prequel story:  Santa.
 30-something days after Easter, in an undisclosed, secure location in Jerusalem.  Jesus meets with the Apostles, alerting them that His remaining time is short and gives them instructions on how to proceed in His absence.  In particular, He orders them to go out and spread the Word, not merely in Israel but also Turkey, Greece, and the rest of the known world.  He promises them that in a few months they will receive further instructions.  With that, He dismisses them – all except one:  Nicolas.
 “For you,” He tells Nicolas, “I have a special assignment….” And proceeds to explain.
“For these past few months I have preached peace, love, and understanding.  My reward was to be nailed to a cross.  While I know that my Apostles will be well inspired with the Holy Spirit to spread my message far and wide, I am less confident that the message will be well received.  To ensure that it is, I have the following plan.
 “As you know, I was all about giving rather than receiving.  I took not so much as a single life, but gave my own.  To remind them of my message, and to encourage them to listen, understand, and follow it, I have decided that on my birthday, December 25, instead of receiving presents, I will give them, particularly to the children.  I want you, Nicolas, to deliver these presents to the children every year on my birthday.”
Nicolas listened intently and asked, “All children, my lord Jesus?  Even those who have not obeyed your commands?”
Jesus thought for a moment, and reconsidered.  “Perhaps not.  It would be wise for you to monitor which children have been good, and which have not, and reward the former and not the latter.  We do not wish to spoil them.  For those who have not, give them something unpleasant like coal.  Oh, and for children from Holland, have Black Peter take them to Spain.”
“Black Peter?  Is he a Nubian?”
“No, he’s like us, he just has black skin.”
“…and Spain?”
“Trust me, no Dutch child wants to go to Spain.”
 Nicolas took this in, and accepted the assignment.  “I will set up an operation at the North Pole, and raise an army of elves to make these presents.   We will be outside any kingdoms and not subject to any inconvenient laws or interference.”
“Excellent.  To deliver these presents, I would suggest a sleigh, driven by eight magic flying camels.”
“Camels, my lord Jesus?  If we are at the North Pole, I would recommend reindeer instead.  They tolerate extreme cold far more than camels do.”
“Reindeer do sound better.  I was right to trust you, Nicolas, you are very sharp.”
“Thank you, my lord Jesus.  I will need one more reindeer, with a big, red nose, to light the way.  We will be flying at night.”
“Yes, that’s good.  How long do you think it will take to get this endeavor up and running?”
Nicolas shrugged, stroked his white beard, and guessed, “About 1800 years should be enough.”
“Good, make it so.  Merry Christmas!”

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