Friday, April 22, 2016

Gender Confusion

Hi there, it’s me again.  It looks like I have something more to say – in particular about bathrooms and sex.

I’m male.  I always have been.  I’m happy with my equipment and intend to keep it until GAME OVER.  Even later, if that’s an option.  My sole interest in the female equivalent is parking my own in my GF’s space when the opportunity allows.  I have no interest in swapping mine for hers.  So I can’t say I can understand, relate to, or identify with anyone who has done so or wishes to do so.

However, IF you were so curious and devoted to the switcheroo that you went and had the necessary work done?  And by that I mean actual surgery and homones and not merely a wardrobe and attitude change.  Well then, welcome to the other team.  And that includes the bathroom facilities for that side.  If, by “transgender”, we mean actually swapping one set of genitals for the other, I’d say that qualifies.

Contrast this with someone who simply claims to identify as the opposite gender.  Mr. Confused went shopping at Victoria’s Secret and Sephora and dolled up, but still has Mr. Johnson and the Juice Crew lurking under there.  You’re not transgender, you’re a transvestite.  Eddie Izzard should be using the men’s room.  Sorry.  Simply asserting that you “identify” with the opposite gender should not be enough.

So it looks like both sides on this issue are wrong.  The Fundies are insisting that if you were born with a penis or a vagina, you continue to use those facilities regardless of how you’re currently equipped.  That makes no sense.  But the GLBT community appears to insist that “gender identity”, not merely biological identity, is sufficient to allow the horrendously confused but still cis-gendered (e.g. man thinks he’s a woman but still has a penis) to use the desired facilities.  This makes no sense either.

The news has been confusing and not clear at explaining.  Frankly, I don’t care about “gender identity”.  If you have a penis, use the men’s room.  If you have a vagina, use the ladies room.  Whether you were born with it or had it installed aftermarket, should make no difference – use the correct room, PENIS > MENS, VAGINA > WOMEN.  Again, it’s unclear whether “transgender” is meant to refer only to those who actually had sex-change operation or also to include those who “identify” as the opposite gender but are still biologically cis-gendered.  I believe both sides are being deliberately obtuse because they believe the stakes are high enough to merit outright misrepresentation.

Questions, though:  where do hermaphrodites (those with BOTH sets of genitalia) go?  It looks like these people are a very tiny percentage of the population.  And if you are happy with your gender but unhappy with your equipment, can you upgrade?  Tiny pecker, loose taco, whatever – why should the trannies have all the fun?  Answers, people.  

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