Friday, January 19, 2018

Trump Is NOT Hitler

Thank GOD.   Now we’ve had about one year of our new President, and Alec Baldwin remains a free man.   As do I, and I’ve made my own share of jokes at Trump’s expense – publicly, on Facebook - though obviously with a considerably smaller audience than Baldwin.

As Bill Maher complained, the problem with incessantly comparing anyone you dislike to Hitler is that when someone rolls by who IS Austrian, has a small mustache, and is bent on world domination and hatred of Jews, no one takes you seriously.  It’s the Fraudulent Lupine Outcry by Pre-Adult Male.  

The Dolfmeister realized in November 1923 that his potential subjects were sticklers for law and order, so a Putsch wouldn’t do.  He bided his time, and in January 1933, despite having lost the prior year election to the Blimp, succeeded at getting appointed Chancellor by a cabal of clowns who should have known better.

This didn’t give him full control, however.  It took the Reichtag Fire of March 1933 to result in emergency powers, which then wound up with socialists, communists, and everyone else who didn’t like Hitler round up and put in the fresh, new camp known as Dachau. 

So where’s our Reichtag Fire?   It’s been a year and we’re still waiting.  Is the NSA that lazy?

The closest we’ve seen to this was 9/11 >> Patriot Act >> Gitmo.  But on January 20, 2009, Bush Jr. voluntarily relinquished power, without the Red Army above his bunker.  Come on – Gitmo couldn’t hold all the people who badmouthed Bush. 

Trump is definitely self-centered, egomaniac, narcissistic, etc.  The world revolves around him.  He’s definitely full of himself – I would argue, even MORE than Hitler.  But he’s also lazy.   I don’t think he wants to be Fuhrer.  That’s TOO MUCH WORK.  When’s the last time you saw a picture of Hitler playing golf?  

Then there’s the Night of the Long Knives (June 1934), in which Hitler purged the SA and Party of any and all party rivals, notably Ernst Roehm and Gregor Strasser, anyone who might pose a threat from within.  What we’ve seen with Trump is a piecemeal purge, ad hoc, including his erstwhile Goebbels, Steve Bannon – not a swift, comprehensive purge of his administration.  It smacks more of incompetence than consolidation of power.   

If I were Hitler, I’d be offended by the comparison.  Hitler worked his butt off to be Fuhrer.  He took it seriously.  He wrote a book, raised a movement, etc etc. and didn’t play golf.  He didn’t inherit millions from his father – or anyone else.  Nor was he a nepotist.   In fact, he gave his nephew such a hard time – no handouts and a threat to involuntarily join the Wehrmacht – that the boy went to America, joined the US Navy, and settled on Long Island. 

Whenever I see complaints that the President is playing golf, instead of invading Poland or nuking North Korea, I say, “Thank GOD.”   The less he’s in the White House, the less we have to worry.

Finally, I’ve discovered the closest analogy to Trump, aside from Trump himself:  He’s CARTMAN.

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