Sunday, November 12, 2006

FBI Most Wanted - Osama Bin Laden

I was at the Fairfax County police station the other day getting an accident report, and noticed they have the FBI 10 Most Wanted Fugitives posted up in the entrance hallway. The idea is that people coming and going - including police officers and civilians - look at the pictures and remember in case they happen to run into these 10 dangerous persons.

 #1 of course is Osama Bin Laden. Some of the others are probably lurking around the US and are merely criminals and not international terrorists. Those guys we might actually meet somewhere here. But OBL? "Yeah, I thought that guy looked familiar! He's at the 7-11 around the corner. He sold me a Slurpee and a Big Bite, and told me 'Die, Yankee infidel....and thank you for shopping at 7-11!'" A bit unlikely. Though it would be ironic if we're looking for him in caves in Afghanistan when he's actually here selling "heavily salted snackfoods" in Springfield.

I looked to see what they have him charged with. Bombings in Africa. No mention of 9/11. Hmm... is he off the hook? Then I looked at the notice: dated 1999. He's been a bad guy for some time. They haven't even updated his sheet!

 Some people speculated he might be hiding in Somalia. One of the Somali warlords laughed at that. "With a $1 million bounty on his head, OBL would last 5 seconds here. We'd all be racing to turn him in for the bounty. We don't care that he's Muslim - we just want the money!"

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