Friday, October 17, 2008

Heavy Metal Parking Lot (1986)

Just a small sample of the extremely articulate and well-mannered crowd members at the Judas Priest concert in 1986 at the Cap Center in Maryland. Check out the Glen Burnie chick who proudly claims she'd jump Rob Halford's bones (but would he jump hers?). By all means, purchase the full 15 minute video, now on DVD!


  1. I've seen something like this before on You tube-lol
    This was obviously shot before Rob stepped out of the closet.
    I heard some talk on the radio recently about how he dressed influenced many of the heavy metal bands of the 80's. The leather and chains look and so forth. Rob Halford jokingly said that they did not realize that his outfits were heavily influenced by the homosexual club scene and his look was primarily the butch gay look. So in essence all the 80's bands that copied his look were really dressing like Gay men.

  2. Actually, Eric Bloom (singer for Blue Oyster Cult) admitted that he had to purchase much of his stage gear of the 70s era from gay/S&M shops. Halford certainly knew what he was doing - but you look closely you'll realize that no one, even Eric Bloom, took it as far as he did. As for the out-of-the-closet deal, check out my Judas Priest blog where I address that issue head on.

  3. Yeah, if you like the music, what difference does it really make if the person is a sausage smuggler-lol. As long as you are not maligned and teased because you listen to a gay person's music, I see not reason to hide the fact that you like it. Now if you were really into say Clay Aiken and you blasted his music and wore his T-shirts, I can see how some people might assume you are a bit fruity, but a gay heavy metal singer..nah, unlikely.

  4. ... wait... Clay Aiken is GAY???????.... *falls over in a faint*

  5. OMG those kids were in my high school LOL JK

  6. "extremely articulate and well-mannered" indeed! LOL :-)
    Wikipedia says the video is only 15 minutes long!? This material is definitely worthy of an epic length film.

  7. I can't believe that anyone ever even thought Halford was straight. Am I the only one who suspected it all along? lol

    I don't know, it was obvious to me I guess.

  8. Again, see my Judas Priest blog a few entries ago; we suspected he was gay but accepted his denials at face value.
