Friday, January 30, 2015

Old Timey

Life is changing constantly, as is our technology and way of life.  Confused?  Aren’t we all?  Here’s a guide to determine if you’re hip and tech-savvy, or an old stick in the mud…

You know you’re an old-fashioned, old-timey dinosaur if you:
1.         Used a cell phone that wasn’t a smartphone – to make a phone call.
2.         Watched a movie from Netflix on DVD instead of streaming.
3.         Remember when George W. Bush was President.
4.         Laughed at the horrible Olympic village in Sochi.
5.         Received a package from Amazon not delivered by drone.
6.         Saw the first Peter Jackson Hobbit film when it came out in the movie theaters – and you didn’t see it in 3D IMAX.
7.         Purchased anything from Borders.
8.         Wrote a check in the last year.
9.         You know who Rush Limbaugh is.  Or G. Gordon Liddy.  Or Dennis Miller.
10.        Your car isn’t equipped with Bluetooth.  Does it run on steam?
11.        You can remember freaking out about ebola or ISIS.   Your parents might have told you about “Y2K”, whatever that was.
12.        You used a computer instead of a smartphone or iPad.
13.        Hailed a cab instead of calling Uber.
14.        Played music from a compact disc instead of MP3 or vinyl.

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