Friday, September 28, 2018

Take A Hike

I’m getting older.  Aren’t we all?  I try to exercise – as most of us do.  But the 30 minutes on the treadmill at 7 mph I used to be able to handle when I was 30 and weighing 190 aren’t cutting it with a 49 year old metabolism and 225 pounds slamming down on those knees and ankles.  So the challenge is getting that exercise without winding up on a cane or in a wheelchair.

One thing I’ve been trying, for more low impact exercise, is hiking.  A few months ago I did the circuit in Overpeck Park in New Jersey, completing both The Company Band album and the Dunsmuir album – both with Neil Fallon of Clutch – on the iPod, meaning just over an hour.

Now I’ve been investigating the local trails in Northern Virginia, particularly in Arlington and Fairfax County.   Last weekend I did the Custis Trail, completing Camel’s Moonmadness studio album (+ 2 extra tracks) on the way in, and the live second CD on the way back, about a 2 hour walk.    Miraculously the weather was fine that day and rainy the next.   Thank you, GOD! 

My expectation is that the more intense the workout the shorter you need to do it to achieve the same result, so a leisurely hike instead of a brisk run on a treadmill is going to have to be twice as much time.  The treadmill is indoors and doesn’t depend on the weather, while the outdoor hike Is clearly more entertaining, though a treadmill soundtrack evens things out. 

The other issue is that the hike takes you places you’ve never been before, whereas the treadmill doesn’t take you anywhere.  And if rain is an issue, dress appropriately.   I will probably be doing more hiking.   FYI, one trail goes for 45 miles, which is probably not something I’d handle.   My Custis trail adventure was about 5 miles, over two hours, roughly 2.5 miles a hour. 

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