Friday, July 31, 2020

Space Force & Eurovision

Returning to mundane, easy topics: a Netflix series with Steve Carrell, and a Netflix movie with Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams.

 Space Force.  One season, 10 episodes, the US establishes a Space Force, led by General Naird (Carrell).  Ostensibly this is to militarize space in favor of US interests, but we find that the Chinese managed to get to the Moon and establish a base there.  Although the President is not identified by name, his behavior is consistent with the current leader, including, but not limited to, explicit instructions to give the Russian liaison whatever sensitive information he asks for.  The general’s wife (Lisa Kudrow, aka Phoebe from "Friends") wound up in prison (I couldn’t figure out why) for a long time, so long that she recommends they change to an open marriage.  His teenage daughter is attractive but somewhat difficult.  John Malkovich plays the civilian scientist advisor.  I found the humor consistently top quality and eagerly await the next season.   I’m not a big fan of “The Office”, but I’d say Carrell and his fellow cast members all do a stellar job.

 Eurovision Song Contest.  This is a single movie.   For decades, the Europeans have competed in music competition, the Eurovision Song Contest.   Back when we lived in Paris we ignored it, as the entries were always insipid pop crap.  ABBA is probably the best known winner (1974, “Waterloo”).  At it happens, whichever country wins, hosts the next year’s contest, and in this narrative, Iceland’s finance minister Karlossen (Michael Persbrand) realizes that the contest is a net loss for the host country – so he manages to get Lars Erikssong (Will Ferrell) and Sigrit Eriksdottir (Rachel McAdams) to be Iceland’s champions, safe in the hope they can’t possibly beat the competing artists.  This includes the Russian champion, Alexander Lemtov, played by Dan Stevens from "Downton Abbey".  The irony is that this year’s Eurovision was actually cancelled due to the coronavirus, so in its place we get this movie.   Just as Space Force works well for Steve Carrell fans, this works for Will Ferrell fans.  And if you’re an ABBA fan, so much the better. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Back in the Hospital AGAIN

This Wednesday night proved to be another return of Bad Tongue, Vomit Time, and this time add in Very Weak.  I got an ambulance ride to INOVA Alexandria, for the third time in a year, and disturbingly enough for very much the same issue.  I was hoping to be let go by Friday night, but my CK levels were sky high and only came down by Sunday.  I promptly picked up the prescription medications at Target and will immediately seek out a an ENT specialist to conclusively determine what is going on, plus an allergist to ascertain what, if anything, I am allergic to.  I don’t like being sick, least of all sick enough to merit a hospital visit.

I was in a room by myself and all the support staff were very polite and courteous.  They took my temperature and my blood pressure on a regular basis.  I had one sensor hooked up to my finger to measure oxygen, several sensors hooked up to my chest, and an IV in my right arm with saline dripped into it. 

According to the staff, the coronavirus had impacted that facility several weeks earlier, but by the time I arrived (and tested negative) the pace was leisurely and many rooms vacant.   Ironically, I had visited my Mom in the hospital in Loudoun just three days earlier, only to need to stay in one myself.   Not only that, she is still in the hospital today, though by now it appears that her situation has stabilized.   My sister flew in from Arizona, taking over from my brother’s bedside vigil.   Needless to say, with her being 86, we do not take her health for granted.  My father was 76 when he died suddenly and abruptly of a stroke.  We would prefer our remaining parent to stay with us as long as possible.   
Entertainment:      The Barber Shop - Ice Cube, Common, Cedric, Nicki Minaj – in south Chicago.  No sign of Ice Tea or Snoop Dogg.  Captain Marvel – which I’d never seen – and Avengers: Endgame, likewise I’d never seen.  Frozen I, and eventually turned on my cell phone and watched Episodes 3 through 10 of Space Force, the brand new Steve Carell comedy on Netflix (highly recommended).  On Sunday I discovered the cable channels and watched “The Snitch”, a Rock film. 

On one hand I appreciate the care and competence of the staff, which I won’t complain about.  If there’s anything which makes the experience pleasant it’s their professionalism and compassion.   Even if I’m not facing a terminal illness or a serious injury, they still treat me well.  On the other hand I don’t like the enforced idleness and being chained up to an IV and more.  I also don’t like not knowing when my condition will improve to the point where I can be discharged.  Naturally I’m not a prisoner and can leave even if ill-advised to do so, but having checked into the hospital recognizing the need for such treatment I’d say it defeats the purpose of doing so to leave before a doctor believes I’m healthy enough to leave. 

Both prior times my tongue issue was resolved – at least in the short term.  As it has now returned for the third time, and serious enough to put me into the hospital again, I’m definitely determined to get to the bottom of this issue once and for all. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Assholes 2020

I posted on Facebook about the Trump supporter, and my last blog was about bad cops.   It's time to step back and look at the bigger picture: ASSHOLES.  I'd actually covered this topic back in 2011, but at that time my focus was on Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.  This time around Donald Trump and the coronavirus are a bit more important.

This Trump supporter will be voting for Trump not despite the fact that he's an asshole, but because he's an asshole.   "Get things done?"   No.    
The men & women in the health profession risking their lives ever day.   Assholes?  No.
The scientists, the Einsteins and Teslas, making the world a better place for us.  Assholes?  No.
The Founding Fathers, who established a democracy, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, including George Washington, who declined lifetime dictatorship and stepped aside after two terms.  Assholes?  No.
The philosophers, the thinkers, the idealists, were they assholes?  No.

How about Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Mao, etc. all those dictators?  Yes, they were all assholes.   Assholes who never took responsibility for anything, who shifted blame to everyone else and took credit for everything.  Sounds like anyone we know?

The assholes don't "get things done".  They screw things up for everyone else.   We're supposed to meekly take their word for it, to not assert ourselves, to let them do as they please.   Because THEY NEED US, but WE DON'T NEED THEM.   And they're terrified we'll realize this.  So they have to bluff and bullshit their way.  It's our job to call their bluff and tell them to fuck off.  

The US is leading the coronavirus epidemic.  We have something like 5% of the world's population but 25% of its cases.   Why?  Because ASSHOLES won't wear masks - as a matter of principle.   Because the masks don't protect us from them, they protect them from us, the ASSHOLES consider it a waste of time.  Helping anyone else is for chumps.   With anyone else in the Oval Office, they might actually have the shame to comply purely out of social pressure.   But this time around, they finally have THEIR GUY running things.   And THEIR GUY won't do jack shit to help his own country.   His position varies from "it's a HOAX to make me look bad" to "not my problem."   ???  So the President himself, our so-called leader, is encouraging his entire country to behave like assholes.   And too many of us are.   And we're paying the price.   Whether the death rate is 1% or 5%, that's 1-5 out of 100 dying because some jackoff won't wear a mask.   

Those of us who aren't assholes, aren't perfect.  We make mistakes, and not all of those mistakes are honest.   So we apologize, sincerely, take responsibility, and make amends.   And try not to do it again.  Hopefully, we'll succeed.  One thing we don't do, is behave this way consistently as a matter of principle.  That's what separates us from the ASSHOLES.   

Cartman.  The South Park character.  Can consistently be counted on to mistreat everyone and act like an asshole.  I love that meme, “who said it, Cartman or Trump?” because Trump basically acts like a grown up version of Cartman. 

UMCP Dorm Experience.  I went to the University Of Maryland, College Park, for undergraduate college, and since my parents were overseas in Paris all four years, I was on campus for that entire time.  For sophomore year and fall semester of junior year, I was in Talbot Hall.  My FS/JY roommate, ES (initials to hide identities) wanted me out so his buddy from the suite next door, DH, could come in and replace me.  At first I believed ES was the only one in the six person (three double) suite who felt that way, until I spoke with CR, who was in the end suite with BD, a friend of my buddy DB.  The middle suite had WI and CA, both from Hagerstown, MD, with whom I got along fine – or so I thought.  CR, with whom I also didn’t seem to have any overt problems, told me that himself, WI and CA all wanted me out:  BD was the exception, remaining neutral.  And CR said, we want DH in “because he’s an asshole and you aren’t.”   ???? Go figure.  Well, I moved out, and for senior year I was in a huge single in a suite with 5 other guys I got along with.  If they had a problem with me it was moot, I was out soon enough anyway.

Han Solo.  In ”The Empire Strikes Back” he realizes that Princess Leia fell in love with him, not despite the fact that he was “a scoundrel”, but BECAUSE he was “a scoundrel”.  However, he wasn’t nearly an asshole.  In the prior movie, even after admonishing Princess Leia that he expected to be paid and wasn’t in it for her rebellion, he still came back and saved Luke in his attack on the Death Star – instead of simply leaving and paying off Jabba The Hutt.  As rogueish as he was, Han was no asshole.

Ayn Rand.   Some accused her of advocating being a selfish asshole as a matter of principle, but she added an important element which assholes lack:  consistency.  First off, I’ve yet to meet anyone, asshole or otherwise, who explicitly declared that they live by her principles.   Second, her main two fictional heroes, Howard Roark (The Fountainhead) and Henry Rearden (Atlas Shrugged) are not assholes.  They forge their own destinies by their own ambition and talent, but not at anyone else’s expense.  They lack the ruthless exploitation of others which epitomizes the Asshole.

Ayn Rand herself was notoriously unlikeable and cheated on her husband, Frank O’Connor, with Nathaniel Branden, then used her own philosophy to justify her behavior.  I recall a scene in “Dirty Dancing” when a character misbehaves and throws a copy of The Fountainhead as if so say, “Ayn Rand told me this conduct is acceptable.”   My own experience is that I’ve yet to meet anyone who specifically claimed to live their life by her ideals; most said something to the effect that they tried reading her books but found them too boring to finish.  I certainly championed her views in college but never believed she advocated doing whatever you damn well please and screw everyone else, though that seems to be the way she actually behaved, and how many people, who weren’t actually familiar with her philosophy, perceived it to be.  Rational self-interest, including consistency (“do unto others as you would have done unto you”) doesn’t rise to the level of justifying being an asshole. 

Jerry.  My former boss is aggressive and forceful as an attorney, which explains his success.  But what I realized when considering him is that he didn’t screw over anyone to get to where he is.  He is about as assertive and dominant as you can be without being an asshole.   As well as many other successful people in our society who don’t behave like Trump does – arguably far more successful than him, when you closely examine his business failures in more detail with a more critical eye – it’s clear that “asshole who gets things done” is far more rare than Trump and his followers would like us to believe.  More like it being a false claim used to justify their behavior to those calculated to take their word for it.  Well, I won’t.  And if the polls are any indication, neither are a whole lot of other people. 

So this November, vote for the non-asshole, be it Joe Biden or Jo Jorgensen.   If your state or federal legislator is an asshole, vote them out of office - all the way down to county reps, mayors, and soil & water conservation whatchamacallits.   Vote a straight NON-asshole ticket.   And get rid of these jerks, the sooner the better.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Bad Cop, Bad Cop

On May 25, 2020, in the course of an arrest, Officer Derek Chauvin held suspect George Floyd to the ground so long that Floyd died.  In the aftermath of the Chauvin-Floyd Affair in Minneapolis, I’m seeing an array of responses.  I’ll get back to that in a moment, but first I’d like to clarify a few things.

I have two uncles who were NYPD.   Uncle Tom, who was the husband of my father’s twin sister Mary, served in the Navy in WWII.  He retired and passed away.   Uncle Raymond, my father’s younger brother, was a detective, and he died while we were still living in Paris, meaning no later than 1990.  Neither uncle ever expressed praise for Hitler, Mussolini, etc. and Uncle Tom was even in the US Navy on the Murmansk run, meaning he was up against the Kriegsmarine (German Navy under Nazi Germany).   So count both as non-stormtroopers.   Sadly, both passed away long before I had any chance to discuss any police issues with them.

In October 1995 my buddy Phil and I took a road trip to Flint, Michigan, to buy a 1968 Pontiac Firebird 400.  Along the way we had to take the cab from the Detroit bus station to the airport to get a rental car to go to the seller’s house in Flint.  The cab driver, of African descent, casually remarked that he had attended the Million Man March (probably upon learning we had come up from the DC area).   That march was supposed to draw attention to issues which African-American men were concerned about, which would include police brutality.

In August 2016, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the national anthem at preseason games, ostensibly to protest police brutality.  As you might imagine, this caused quite a stir. My own impression at the time ("Shut Up And Play Your Football" 9/29/17) was to argue that this was not the appropriate forum to raise the issue.   As noted below, however, if we allow the police free reign to do as they please, we're liable to wind up with fascism.  That may be important enough to justify bringing the issue to public attention by kneeling during the anthem at a football game, ostensibly a non-political context.  So put me down as reconsidering my prior position.

Of course, long before the Chauvin-Floyd incident in Minneapolis, Rodney King had the misfortune, on March 3, 1991, to be pulled over by LAPD and severely beaten, the whole matter caught on camera (the “Holliday video”).  Four LAPD officers, Briseno, Powell, Solano and Wind, were eventually charged and tried in a California state criminal court for the beating.  The jury was almost all white, and acquitted the officers, despite the video apparently showing them beating King when he was on the ground and no longer resisting arrest.  Soon after the verdicts were announced (April 29, 1992), L.A. erupted in riots.  Apparently the local population was extremely upset that these four officers were not found guilty. 

Note: there was a subsequent federal trial, at which Wind and Briseno were acquitted and Powell and Solano were found guilty and sentenced to 30 months in prison.  This was in March 1993, almost a year after the state trial and riots.  Pulling the case out of state court and into federal court was nullified in part by the US district court judge taking positions highly favorable to the police when deciding on sentencing, overturned by the Ninth Circuit (Federal appellate court) then knocked back down in part to the district court sentences by the US Supreme Court, ruling that the trial court judge had sufficient discretion to make his remarkably lenient sentencing decisions.

Suffice to say that we still have a problem with police misconduct in this country, decades after the Rodney King affair in Los Angeles. 

Most police departments are supposed to have a division called Internal Affairs, whose job it is to weed out corrupt cops or discipline cops who get out of line.  Sadly, we’re seeing IA being ineffectual most of the time, mainly because police officers refuse to testify against fellow officers even if they know the accused officers are corrupt.  Moreover, the police unions are a bit too zealous and effective in preventing IA from disciplining errant officers, so the blame might not be entirely upon reluctant comrades – if at all.  For whatever reason, the police seem to be doing a poor job of weeding out the bad cops, and the Floyds out there are paying the price.

The US is full of a wide spectrum of adherents of political beliefs, with the Republicans and Democrats generally in the center.  At the extremes are communists and anarchists on the left, and fascists and Neo-Nazis on the right.  Many extremists realize that their views are in fact, unpopular, and feel their interests are better served voting for whichever major party is closest to their values, as far away as that might be:  communists for the Democrats and Nazis and fascists for the GOP.   That doesn’t mean all Democrats are communists or all Republicans are Nazis, but there are obviously some at the extremes who would qualify.

My experience has been that, on the left side of the spectrum, communists, socialists and anarchists have no problem identifying as such as a matter of pride, and not identifying as Democrats.  That being the case, I’m more inclined to believe a Democrat if he or she denies being a socialist or a communist.

On the right side, however, this isn’t so cut and dried.  The real issue is people who appear a little too eager to make excuses for the police.

Returning to the Chauvin-Lloyd affair, I’m seeing a fair amount of posts on Facebook with the following themes.

1.     Before we canonize Floyd as a saint, we should recognize that he had a criminal record.   Uh, yeah.  This means, that as soon as you walk out of jail or prison, having served your time, the police are privileged to summarily execute you at any time, without question.  Right?   A variation on this is a snide, “how about not breaking the law?”  What happened to “innocent until proven guilty?”  Are the police judge, jury and executioners as well?  If they allege a suspect was committing a crime, do we simply take their word for it?  Are the police privileged to use lethal force on suspects committing non-capital crimes?  Moreover, we’re seeing this business of police planting drugs on innocent suspects and arresting them, even bragging to non-police about the practice.  Egregious behavior like this definitely needs to stop, effective immediately. 

2.     The following police officers [listed herein] died in the line of duty, but are not given the same publicity as Floyd.   Well, I’d imagine their deaths were properly noted and recognized in their hometown newspapers and by their communities, though nationwide we aren’t acknowledging their deaths in the line of duty.   But these were volunteers who faced violent criminals in the course of their duties as police officers.  This is normal, though we’d prefer if no police died at all.  Failing to focus national attention on them is not a conspiracy to ignore or shame them.  Another variation is a meme showing white victims of (alleged) black perpetrators, asking "did their lives matter?"  Well, so long as the alleged perpetrators have been arrested and are being prosecuted (allowing for the same due process everyone else enjoys) - and not simply released and/or ignored, I'd say the meme is dishonest and disingenuous.  

3.     The protesters committed the following acts of looting or vandalism.  No, looters or vandals committed these acts, possibly contemporaneously with a protest.  That doesn’t mean the protesters themselves did this.

The overall trend of these is to equate opponents of the ruling order as dangerous, violent criminals, and to essentially give the police an irrebuttable presumption of propriety, a blank check to do as they please without any form of accountability.  No matter how egregiously out of line the police conduct in question is, these people are determined, as a matter of principle, to somehow find some excuse to justify it.  The end result is to essentially absolve police of any misbehavior under any circumstances. 

Now, I’m sure you if asked these people how they felt about Benito Mussolini, they might give you a blank stare, and if you brought up the Austrian corporal who caused all those problems – or his infamous party with its distinctive swastika emblem – they would angrily deny any connection and resent being accused of anything close to sympathy with the Nazis.  They may well not have a single anti-Semitic bone in their body and genuinely acknowledge the Nazis as evil.   

Well, so what?  If you are going to give the police unlimited power and consider anyone remotely uncooperative as a dangerous criminal to be locked away, you are – drum roll, please? – a FASCIST.   You would be perfectly happy with a police state so long as you yourself weren’t behind bars.   You don’t want to wear a black shirt or a swastika armband, but whether you realize it or not, you fit in with these people.  If you don’t like it, maybe you should reassess your unqualified passion for law enforcement while there’s still a chance to do so – outside of a prison camp or gas chamber. 

Here's another thought.  Those of us with whiter complexions, whose ancestors came here from Europe, not Africa, voluntarily, may be inclined to dismiss the urgency of the topic as the victims of police brutality are more often black than white.  Not our problem, eh?  Not so fast.  If we wind up with a police state because us white folks were happy to let the police do whatever they wanted, sooner or later we're liable to become victims ourselves, if more likely later than sooner.  "Then they came for me..." (Thank you, Niemoller).  

Fortunately, it appears that Minneapolis is taking a hard look at the problem, and a litany of calls to defund police departments is finally shining a more serious light on this issue.  In the NFL, we’re starting to see more players come forth and acknowledge that maybe Kaepernick had a valid point to make, an issue that needs to be taken far more seriously and definitively resolved, because obviously the Rodney King beating didn’t suffice to convince us, nor did the Million Man March.   If we refuse to hold the police accountable when they step over the line, if we make excuses for them no matter how brutal and oppressive they act, we begin to look like a country perfectly willing to accept a police state, i.e. fascism.   I should think we don’t want that… right?

Friday, July 3, 2020

Comrade Detective

I gave this show a brief paragraph in my blog on Gentlemen Comrades.  That show, running two seasons, covers a pair of Moscow Militia detectives in Russia in 1918.  It seems the nascent Bolshevik police force is short of experienced detectives, so it deigns to hire a previous detective, Varaksin, highly experienced if somewhat aloof and aristocratic.  His high intelligence, affable manner, and street smart experience endear him to his Baltic Fleet sailor partner, Sokolov (“friggin’ soot!”) and his hammer & plough superior.  That is in Russian with English subtitles.  Timing wise, this was during the Russian Civil War, which doesn’t seem to be mentioned at all, nor the Great War still waging in the west until the Armistice on November 11. 

This is a completely different animal, the only common factor being the political orientation of the subject country.  What the producers of this one did was to create a fictional Romanian police drama set in Bucharest in the mid 1980s, back when Reagan was our President and Ceaucescu was running Romania into the ground.  The actors are Romanian and speak Romanian, but it’s overdubbed into English – by A-list American actors, including Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the main pair.  So far it’s only six episodes, all on Amazon Prime.

As it’s pretending to be a Romanian show during the Cold War, naturally the Ceaucescu regime is implausibly praised and everything associated with the US and the West is equally disparaged.  The US Ambassador and her subordinate are sleazy, slutty women.  Monopoly, the board game, is smuggled in – and Gregor’s imprisoned sources explain to him how the game works and its ideological significance: “to indoctrinate American children into capitalism at a young age.”  America is slagged as a country full of crime, poverty, and everyone has AIDS.  Jordache jeans cause pandemonium, and Western radio – with its degenerate rock music (far more entertaining than the propaganda and classical music the Romanian radio broadcasts) – is described as capitalist propaganda hidden in the words and music, to surreptitiously brainwash whoever listens to it.  For its part, Romania’s health care system is “the best in the world”, and its Fiat-copied national car, the Dacia, is likewise described in glowing terms despite its obvious faults.  In fact, even the police (“MILITIA”) use it.  Oh, and fascination and obsession with chess (!!!) is widespread.

The net result is a humorously cartoonist attack on the US and capitalism by a corrupt communist system which comes nowhere close to delivering on its own promises.  US citizens are free to read Marx, Engels, Lenin etc. and many colleges have brazenly leftist faculties.  But Romanian citizens were forbidden to even play Monopoly and aggressively encouraged to inform on each other to the police. 

I’ve noticed many items in our country are well made, some are not-so-well made, and some are outright ripoffs.  One place selling suits now has its suits made overseas and are not to the same standard, but are sold at the same price, as the better made suits.  So I found another place which charges less for better suits.  You do your homework and seek out the best value.  Under communism, however, you had no choices: everything was poorly made crap (except maybe the weapons).  And if you complained about it or wanted a higher wage, off to the gulag.  So yeah, capitalism has its share of fraud, deceit and bravo sierra, but as imperfect as it works out in practice, it’s still light years better than communist countries.  Anyone who has experienced communism first hand knows this.  As Reagan said, we don’t need a wall (Berlin) to keep our people IN. 

Characters (Voiced By…)

Gregor Angehl (Romanian actor: Florin Piersic Jr/English voice by Channing Tatum)
Iosif Baciu (Romanian actor: Corneliu Ulici/English voice by Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
            The main two characters (Gregor on the right above)
Captain Covaci (Romanian actor: Adrian Padruraru/English voice by Nick Offerman)

Daniel Craig, Bobby Cannavale, Kim Basinger, Debra Winger, Fred Armisen, also have voice-over roles.

Bucharest.  Back in 2006 I visited Bucharest and spent some time there.  On one hand, the romantic adventure did not end well, on the other hand I did enjoy it while it lasted, so I can’t complain too much.  My subjective impression of Bucharest is that it’s a decrepit, run down communist version of Paris, France, and even years after Ceaucescu was overthrown, the city still remained dirty and run down, though the downtown area was a bit nicer.  I can’t say what it’s like now, or what it was like back in the mid-80s.  Others who visited had a considerably more generous impression than I did.  As it was, for me the most attractive part of the city was the female companionship I enjoyed (waves at Gia across the Internet).

The show certainly reminded me of Bucharest and my brief visits, and should give viewers some idea of what the city is like, even as of 2006.

Season 2.   I don’t know yet whether we’ll see a second season, but here’s my 2 RON (Romanian currency).  Don’t set the next one in Bucharest: set it in East Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, etc. – one of the other East Bloc capitals.  Each has its own unique charm and its “comrade detectives” can echo their respective nationalities.  Wouldn’t that be nice?