Thursday, September 28, 2017

Shut Up And Play Your Football

Last weekend we visited our old buddy Phil, with whom we went to high school with in Paris.   Back when he was at college at the George Mason University (Main Campus), he had occasion his senior year (1989-90) to visit the Rathkeller, at SUB1, a student union building.   This is a bar that serves beer.

In front of him were two Hippies, debating which beer to purchase.
Hippie 1:  “How about Coors?”
Hippie 2:  “We can’t, Coors is non-union.”
Hippie 1:  “How about Killian’s Red?”
Phil (overhearing and interrupting): “Killian’s Red is owned by Coors.  In fact, the Rathkeller is run by Marriott, which is non-union too.” 

At this point the Hippies were confused as the optimal course of action.   What they did next is lost to the clouds of time and memory.  In particular, Phil’s memory.  But it illustrates a phenomenon:  using political criterion to make non-political decisions.

Bleeding heart liberals and Social Justice Warriors have been doing this for ages; Phil’s example dates from 1989-90.  But now with Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling during the National Anthem and an eruption of sympathetic acts by other NFL players, we’re seeing a backlash by irate NFL fans burning their jerseys and gear in protest against this behavior by players.

Here’s what I say.  TO PLAYERS:   You have as much right as anyone not playing the sport to your political opinions.   If you want to express them off the field, by all means do so.   If you find an audience, so much the better for you.  But during the game, stick to playing the game.

TO FANS:  You have as much right as anyone playing the sport to your political opinions.  If you want to express those opinions by burning or trashing the NFL junk you paid for yourself, knock yourself out.   This especially applies to fans of the Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears and Detroit Lions.  (You can guess my allegiance).   I’ll enjoy seeing green/yellow, dark blue/orange, and light blue/grey junk go up in flames as they deserve.

As for myself, I don’t care.  If Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin can QB us to the playoffs, NFC Championship, Super Bowl, and the Lombardi Trophy, fine.   Play the damn game, and WIN.   Your political views – whether I agree with them or not - remain irrelevant to me until you run for President or some local office in my neck of the woods. 


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