Friday, May 18, 2018

Thoughts on Women

Thinking.   So far as I can tell, men think in linear terms: A > B > C, 1 > 2 > 3.   Women think in non-linear terms:  A > bread > Friday.  We get in trouble for assuming the opposite sex thinks the same way we do.  They don’t.  And since we don’t think the same way we’re in a poor position to predict their behavior no matter how well we know them.  Certain trends based on familiarity are the best we can do.  Men seem to be better than women at acknowledging that this difference exists, but as noted we’re limited in our ability to compensate for it. 

Relative vs. GF/Wife.   I don’t recall ever having any major problems with my mom, sister, or any female relatives.   All of them treat me fairly and honestly.  Which is a sad and strong contrast to my experience with women in a romantic context.

I’ve really had three major relationships, with women I’ll identify as LC, GG, and LS.   Each of these had their ups and downs and the first two are over as romantic relationships, though I remain on friendly speaking terms with LC.  I won’t complain about any of them, though I will comment as I see fit.

Honesty & Consistency.  Consistency is sadly a concept I rarely see recognized or followed by women, particularly women in a romantic relationship.  The most egregious example was when I was with GG in Bucharest.  Her husband – who she was supposedly in the process of divorcing – apparently had a GF on the side back in Holland.  This pissed her off big time.  Mind you, she also had a French BF who she was living with before, AND a Romanian BF who was himself married.  In addition to me.  So for awhile she had FOUR different men at the same time.  Then again, I suppose I should mark her down as the extreme end of inconsistency.

For men, so far as I can tell, 5% are scrupulously honest:  they would tell the truth about literally anything, even if it meant going to prison or dying.  At the other extreme are 5% who are hopeless liars, lying about everything, even when the truth is actually more favorable than the lie.  In the middle are the 90% who are mostly honest but lie occasionally when it’s in their best interests to do so for compelling reasons, e.g. to avoid jail or being killed.  They apply this honesty to friends and relatives equally to GFs or wives.  Perhaps marginally less honest with strangers or adversaries.  

For women, that 5% scrupulously honest do not exist.  Nope.  I’d say women are almost scrupulously honest (95%) with their male relatives (brothers, fathers, sons, etc.) and fairly honest (70%) with their husbands or boyfriends.  With strangers and adversaries that number drops to below 50%.  

Sadly, the women I dealt with were not completely honest with me.  I’m not talking about times at which we might have been fighting, arguing, or on bad terms, either broken up or about to break up.  I mean at the peak time at which we were on best terms, intimate, in love, and considering marriage.  Even at those times I could not count on 100% honesty from these women.  To encounter incomplete honesty at the optimal points in the relationship is disconcerting. 

Notwithstanding the sad circumstances under which some of these relationships have ended, I still look upon all of them favorably.  April 2006 in Bucharest was fun.  Five trips to Rio de Janeiro were enjoyable.  Trips to L.A. (2010) and Paris (2017) were also enjoyable and unforgettable.  I will not complain.  However, I would warn my male readers to always use your brain and never let love turn it off.  And I also bring this up to admonish my female readers to critically examine their own behavior relative to their loved ones and not solely focus on whether their male companions are treating them fairly or honestly.  It’s a two way street.

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