Thursday, October 29, 2015


It’s Halloween again and the topic for today is FEAR.   That seems to be the holiday’s #1 emotion.

By the way, they’re now celebrating Halloween in Europe, which they weren’t when I lived here.  I see pics of Asterix costumes in France.  If anyone can tell me what other costumes are out there these days, I’d love to see them.  Putin?  Stalin?  Hitler?  Who knows.

Legitimate Fears.   Life is scary enough – plus, it ends sometime for everyone and, religious beliefs notwithstanding, we still have no clue what happens after that.  So here is a list of items I don’t blame people for being worried about:  death, cancer, the afterlife, losing loved one, losing job, losing children, being poor, not having money, children in jail, spouse runs away with someone else, etc. 

Stupid Fears.   We have enough things to worry about without coming up with stupid fears.  Here are two I’ve seen the most on Facebook.

Halloween Ecstasy.   Every year the parents and cops play this game of idiotic paranoia that somehow DRUGS will be widely and freely (!) distributed to children.   An ecstasy pill costs $10.  Someone is going to give a $10 pill to a random child instead of raving themselves?  
            Back before I went to high school I worried someone would dose my food with LSD.   Since the Grateful Dead were nowhere near the ASP cafeteria, that was a particularly stupid fear.   LSD is hard to come by these days, so whoever scored a sheet or a vial of the stuff would be either selling it for $$$ or using it themselves.   Wasting expensive drugs on random children is not likely.  And sure enough, there are no documented cases of it happening anywhere. 

ISIS in Mexico.   Then the Yahoos in Texas post pictures of ISIS tanks (actually in Iraq or Syria) claiming that this ISIS army is in fact in… MEXICO?  Somehow neither the Mexican government nor armies of drug dealers noticed an Islamic army in their midst.   Please recall: Mexico is a predominantly Catholic country.  ISIS can expect no sympathy, support, or recruitment in Mexico.  If there is one thing that would temporarily ally the Mexican government and the drug dealers, it would be some incursion of ISIS in Mexico.

As a bonus, here's one we're probably not afraid of....we're too busy eating it to care:

Bacon.  I’m waiting to see someone dress up as bacon to scare people for Halloween.   Better yet, dress as Keith Moon and bacon.  Because the WHO are so damn competent, right?  Townshend and Daltrey must be shaking their heads.

By the way, if you have any suspicions, by all means check out SNOPES.  They do a good job at debunking all the bullshit out there.  In fact, it’s all those morons spreading idiotic rumors that keep Snopes in business.

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